J is for JUSTICE: Women of Value are Justice-Advocates!
The area of justice I am an advocate for is Child Abuse Prevention: child abuse impacts, and causes harm, from generation to generation. As a Child Abuse Prevention Researcher and Trainer I have found I regularly get one of two reactions when I talk about this topic: it is either a conversation starter or a conversation stopper! More often than not the conversation leads to that particularly person telling me of their own personal child abuse story or of a close friend or family member.

Of the five types of abuses - physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, sexual abuse and family violence; it is sexual abuse that people find the most repugnant. Yet the reality is with the increase of in particular child pornography, sexual abuse is not something that can just be swept under the carpet.
A significant number of people who are in mental health care facilities and also in our maximum security prisons have been victims of child abuse. This is an incredible indictment on as a society. We cannot just leave child abuse prevention to the experts; I love the African proverb it takes a whole village to raise a children because it does. Every adult can do something to advocate for the well-being of children!
The words in my post are not very long today. Instead I want to leave you with time to reflect on the areas of your life, business and in your community where you are a sower of justice. As women I believe we have to be JUSTICE ADVOCATES; particularly for women and children.
Friday 11 October was the International Day of the Girl Child with a focus on education. More girls are now entering school than ever before but 33 million girls continue to be deprived of this basic right. If you have not viewed it already, I encourage you to see Girl's Education Activist and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Malala wow US comedian Jon Stewart on the Daily Show. #dayofthegirl
Now go be a
Igniting Dreams | Evoking Action
Love Maree
This is a wonderful post. I am grateful for what you do. As a victim myself, I am aware of what it can do psychologically. Thank you for being that voice of justice.
ReplyDeleteMissy Bell
Thanks for this, and for being an advocate for children.
ReplyDeleteReally nice post, Maree. You are so right. We are called to watch out for these precious little ones. My dad helped build a school for girls in Afghanistan. It was amazing to me that these girls would meet even without a roof and walls and use sticks in the dirt to write. He was convinced that educating these young girls would be key to breaking the cycle of abuse and poverty. My latest painting in my heART line is called 66 Million girls dream of being educated. Keep up the excellent work you are doing here, and God bless!