I is for IDEAS: Women of Value are Ideas-Creators
I is for IDEAS: Women of Value are Ideas-Creators
There are so many favourite words I am using as I do this 31 Day Blog challenge, today's has got to be my number one: IDEAS. I thrive on creating ideas. Creating ideas is about looking at new ways of doing things, to start from scratch just using a few resources and to look not simply outside the box but to look for new boxes altogether! Some of you may be familiar with the red paperclip story - it certainly is inspiring and definitely demonstrates thinking outside of the box.
- On July 14, 2005, he went to Vancouver and traded the paperclip for a fish-shaped pen.
- He then traded the pen the same day for a hand-sculpted doorknob from Seattle, Washington, which he nicknamed "Knob-T".
- On July 25, 2005, he travelled to Amherst, Massachusetts, with a friend to trade Knob-T for a Coleman camp stove (with fuel).
- On September 24, 2005, he went to California, and traded the camp stove for a Honda generator.
- On November 16, 2005, he made a second (and successful) attempt (after having the generator confiscated by the New York City Fire Department) in Maspeth, Queens, to trade the generator for an "instant party": an empty keg, an IOU for filling the keg with the beer of the holder's choice, and a neon Budweiser sign.
- On December 8, 2005, he traded the "instant party" to Quebec comedian and radio personality Michel Barrette for one Ski-doo snowmobile.
- Within a week of that, he traded the snowmobile for a two-person trip to Yahk, British Columbia, in February 2006.
- On or about January 7, 2006, he traded the second spot on the Yahk trip for a cube van.
- On or about February 22, 2006, he traded the cube van for a recording contract with Metalworks in Mississauga, Ontario.
- On or about April 11, 2006, he traded the recording contract to Jody Gnant for a year's rent in Phoenix, Arizona.
- On or about April 26, 2006, he traded the one year's rent in Phoenix, Arizona, for one afternoon with Alice Cooper.
- On or about May 26, 2006, he traded the one afternoon with Alice Cooper for a KISS motorized snow globe.
- On or about June 2, 2006, he traded the KISS motorized snow globe to Corbin Bernsen for a role in the film Donna on Demand.
- On or about July 5, 2006, he traded the movie role for a two-story farmhouse in Kipling, Saskatchewan.
One of the websites I love is Springwise. This website showcases the latest business ideas from around the world; I Here are a few recent amazing ideas. Creative Resale is a platform that helps anyone to resell their unused art supplies to those that need it. Mr Lights and Mr Dark is a kids' book from Thailand that uses a typeface combining regular text and Braille so readers of all abilities can share the experience. It looks like a cuddly monkey, but this robot tackles depression and dementia.

I would like to introduce you to Sue Myburgh, who has recently taken action on an IDEA she had to start up a business in Adelaide called African Design.
Tell us about your business
I sell beautiful, ethically sourced, handmade, sustainable items that have not been seen in Adelaide before , and the sale of these items encourages self-development and employment for many disadvantaged people - especially women - in Africa.
What defines a successful woman?
Being in a position where you can call your own shots; where the money you make is up to you, and not somebody else (apart from your customers, of course) and where you doing work that is in alignment with your moral values.
What do you love most about being a woman in business?
Probably making friends with all the other women in business! There is a great propensity for women to network in a more relaxed and casual way than the formal, rather superficial and sometimes hypocritical way that I have often encountered with men.
What tips would I give to a woman starting out in business?
There is no time like the present. Learn all you can as soon as you can. Don't try and do everything yourself - employ a bookkeeper, an accountant, a web-designer etc and let them do their stuff while you do yours. I am sorry I didn't start my own business before, but glad I have now!
Dr Susan Myburgh | AfricanDesign (opening on 15 November)
Now go be an IDEAS-CREATOR!
Male here. I really enjoyed reading this but the interview was exceptional, what defines a successful woman is something the males in business should try to understand. I have a wife that is a very good business women but also has a high moral code and does display such values as she deals with people. You have great information to share, thanks