N is for NEGOTIATE: Women of Value are Negotiators!
I chose the above image to start off this blog entry because to me it gives the perfect visual as to what negotiation is about; bringing together the different coloured opinions, thoughts, views and ideas of people around a table, to find a solution that will reflect the hues and tones of each represented at the negotiation.
We all would have experienced negotiation in some form and the many different styles that there are. Negotiation does not have to be negative experience; indeed it can be very enriching experience from which we can learn so much about others and about ourselves.
So this is what I want you to take away today: before you start any negotiation ask yourself what is the picture that is to be painted? If it is a relationship matter say between yourself and a teenage daughter about her not focussing on her studies: what is the picture in mind that you want to see at the end of this negotiation? I beat it is not a picture of you both yelling and screaming at each other and then storming off and slamming various doors!
When it comes to negotiation start with the end in mind and I can guarantee this will create amazing outcomes for all parties involved.
Love Maree
N is for NEGOTIATE: Women of Value are Negotiators!
I chose the above image to start off this blog entry because to me it gives the perfect visual as to what negotiation is about; bringing together the different coloured opinions, thoughts, views and ideas of people around a table, to find a solution that will reflect the hues and tones of each represented at the negotiation.
We all would have experienced negotiation in some form and the many different styles that there are. Negotiation does not have to be negative experience; indeed it can be very enriching experience from which we can learn so much about others and about ourselves.
As Women of Value we have to learn to be partnership negotiators, with a focus of resolving the situation without making someoné else's colour as it were fade out. In essence, negotiation is an art form and we need to come to the negotiation table as artists: as painters who have in mind a beautiful painting.
Watch the video above featuring a dear friend Lynne Sinclair Taylor in action painting. Look at the way she uses colours to bring out the vibrancy and life of that which she is painting, I just adore the strong colours she uses and mixes with such skill. Negotiation does not have to be pale; it is not about people holding back their opinion or the thought that in compromising on our position that it means the outcomes are dull and boring or unworkable and untenable. When the negotiation is complete, you want it be a picture than many can stand back and admire.
I would also encourage you to check out Lynne's website at for her amazing work. Her Autumn Ripples picture which I have shown below is a profound visual of negotiation: see the blending of colours within the work, but see how also overall the strength and clarity in the whole picture despite the myriad of colours that have been used.
I would also encourage you to check out Lynne's website at for her amazing work. Her Autumn Ripples picture which I have shown below is a profound visual of negotiation: see the blending of colours within the work, but see how also overall the strength and clarity in the whole picture despite the myriad of colours that have been used.
So this is what I want you to take away today: before you start any negotiation ask yourself what is the picture that is to be painted? If it is a relationship matter say between yourself and a teenage daughter about her not focussing on her studies: what is the picture in mind that you want to see at the end of this negotiation? I beat it is not a picture of you both yelling and screaming at each other and then storming off and slamming various doors!
When it comes to negotiation start with the end in mind and I can guarantee this will create amazing outcomes for all parties involved.
Igniting Dreams | Evoking Action
Love Maree
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